
Bauman University is against the virus

Dear students and staff of the University, today the University has adopted a set of measures to ensure the safety and preservation of our health.
In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among students at the University, from September 1, every day before the start of classes, wet overall cleaning and complete disinfection of contact surfaces: door handles, switches, desks, dining tables are carried out. All rooms and
classrooms are ventilated before the start of classes and in between them. At the entrances to each building, the temperature of the University visitors is measured using a non-contact method. In the corridors, public areas and canteens, hand sanitizers with a special antibacterial agent and autonomous ultraviolet air disinfectants are installed.
Also, which is very important, the University has organized a special sanitary unit that controls the wearing of masks. In addition, the mask mandate throughout the University is monitored by duty officers in the buildings. Lecturers and the academic department monitor the presence of
masks during classes. And to prevent people from crowding in public places, special markings have been applied to maintain a social distance of 1.5 meters.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University informs students and lecturers about coronavirus prevention measures on a daily basis. Plasma panels and radios regularly remind everyone of the importance of personal hygiene and wearing masks at the University and beyond. The canteens do not serve people without means of individual protection. Information about the need to comply with preventive measures is published on the website, social networks and Wi-Fi networks of the University.
In addition to all of the above, BMSTU has created a Single emergency response team that monitors the situation of the spread of COVID-19 among students and lecturers of the University. For help and questions related to coronavirus infection, the following hotline and mail are available: 8-800-505-35-89,