
Extension of a visa

To extend a visa, a foreign citizen 90-30 days prior to the expiration of the existing visa contacts the Visa and registration department and provides a set of the following documents:

  1. national passport
  2. migration card with a mark about crossing the State border of the Russian Federation
  3. detachable part of the migration registration form
  4.  1 photo, 3х4 sm, coloured on matte paper
  5.  payment receipt of the state duty – 1600 rubles


PhD students should take at the Department of Foreign Postgraduate Studies and Internships:

  1. two copies of the enrollment order
  2. two certificates of postgraduate education
  3. training contract and a referral to studying

You can apply for a visa extension 3 months before the visa expiration date.

The deadline for submitting documents for a visa extension is 20 working days before the expiration of the visa.

Ask questions about migration:

Roman Naumov,
mobile.: +7-916-837-13-88,

Marina Karaya,