
Fundamental sciences and linguistics

The Faculty provides a unified methodological orientation work of educational units engaged in mathematical and natural-scientific training of students. Students gain in-depth knowledge in the field of mathematical modeling of technological systems, applied mathematics, computational methods and computer technology, the development of software systems, technical physics and foreign languages. Education is conducted through student participation in scientific researches. Students who demonstrate outstanding achievements in their studies are further trained in foreign universities and partner companies.

Since 2014 the Faculty of Linguistics has been recruiting students for training on a fee basis in the field of study “linguistics” (a profile of theoretical and applied linguistics).

Fields of research include: mathematical, computational modeling of technical systems and processes, composite and nano-structured materials, aero-gas dynamic and thermal processes, predicting the longevity and life of technical systems, the physics of irreversible processes and optics of moving media, nonlinear optics and laser physics.

Department Bachelor Specialist Master
FS-1 Advanced Mathematics 01.03.04 – Applied Mathematics  – 01.04.04 – Applied Mathematics
FS-2 Applied Mathematics 01.03.04 – Applied Mathematics 01.04.04 – Applied Mathematics
FS-11 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 02.03.01 – Mathematics and Computer Science 01.04.04 – Applied Mathematics
FS-12 Mathematical Modeling 01.03.04 – Applied Mathematics 01.04.04 – Applied Mathematics