Foreign citizens and stateless persons, arriving in Russia to study at BMSTU, including students of the preparatory department, as well as exhange students, must strictly follow the migration rules of the Russian Federation. The legal status of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation is determined by the following regulatory legal acts:
On arrival at the place of stay, a foreign citizen presents to the receiving party his passport and migration card, which is filled out upon entry the Russian Federation.
When leaving, a foreign citizen informs the receiving party about the departure. In case when a foreign citizen changes his place of stay in the Russian Federation, on arrival at a new place of stay he presents to the receiving party there the passport, the migration card and the detachable part of the notification form of arrival at the previous place of stay.
Please note that the period of temporary stay of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation is determined by the validity period of the issued visa.
You can apply for a visa extension 3 months before the visa expiration date.
The deadline for submitting documents for a visa extension is 20 working days before the expiration of the visa.
Students who are planning a trip to Russia are required to notify the Migration Department of the Office of International Scientific and Educational Cooperation and register for migration at the place of stay during the trip. At the end of the trip, re-insert into the migration register at the hostel address.
Roman Naumov,
mobile.: +7-916-837-13-88,
Marina Karaya,